4.山西省哲学社会科学规划课题,山西省青少年体育运动与体质健康促进研究, 2013/12-2014/12,主持。
7.国家自然科学基金面上项目,31071932,两种鸣禽发声学习脑区中新神经元产生、功能及特异基因表达的比较研究, 2011/01-2013/12,参与。
1.Lina Sun *, Ruiqi Ye, Rundong Liang, Fuyan Xing. (2020). Treadmill running attenuates neonatal hypoxia induced adult depressive symptoms and promoted hippocampal neural stem cell differentiation via modulating AMPK-mediated mitochondrial functions. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. (SCI), 523(2): 514-521.
2.Lina Sun *, Kai Cui, Fuyan Xing, Xiaoli Liu. (2020). Akt dependent adult hippocampal neurogenesis regulates the behavioral improvement of treadmill running to mice model of post-traumatic stress disorder. Behavioural Brain Research(SCI), 379: 112375.
3.Na Jia, Jingping Chong, Lina Sun*. (2020). Application of stem cell biology in treating neurodegenerative diseases. Int J Neurosci. (SCI), Oct 29: 1-11.
4.Li-Na Sun and Xiao-Li Liu*. (2019). Functions of adiponectin signaling in regulating neural plasticity and its application as the therapeutic target to neurological and psychiatric diseases. Rev. Neurosci. (SSCI & SCI), 30(5): 485-495.
5.Li-Na Sun, Jin-Shun Qi, Rong Gao*. (2018). Physical exercise reserved amyloid-beta induced brain dysfunctions by regulating hippocampal neurogenesis and inflammatory response via MAPK signaling. Brain Res. (SCI), 1697: 1-9.
6.Lina Sun*, Qingshan Sun, Jinshun Qi. (2017). Adult hippocampal neurogenesis: an important target associated with antidepressant effects of exercise. Rev Neurosci. (SSCI & SCI), 28(7): 693-703.
7.Li-Na Sun, Xiao-Long Li , Fei Wang & Jin-Shun Qi*. (2017). High-intensity Treadmill Running Impairs Cognitive Behavior and Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity of Rats via Activation of Inflammatory Response. J Neurosci Res. (SCI), 95(8):1611-1620.
8.Wang DD, Li J, Yu LP, Wu MN, Sun LN. (2016). Improves depression-like behavior and working memory by up-regulating p-CREB in Alzheimer's disease associated mice. J Integr Neurosci. (SCI), 15(2): 247-260.
9.孙丽娜, 李海春, 张欣欣, 祁金顺*. 低强度运动通过抑制海马CA1区theta节律改善大鼠焦虑情绪。北京体育大学学报, 2015, 38 (7): 85-90.
10.孙丽娜, 刘晓莉, 乔德才*. 运动疲劳可能通过激活海马小胶质细胞介导的神经炎症降低大鼠学习记忆功能。天津体育沙巴SB体育网址学报, 2014, 29 (3): 193-196.
11.孙丽娜, 张欣欣, 祁金顺*. 纹状体边缘区P物质和小清蛋白阳性神经元参与运动疲劳所致大鼠认知功能下降。神经解剖学杂志, 2014, 30(6): 688-692.
12.Chen Q, Zhang X, Zhao Y, Zhou X, Sun L, Zeng S, Zuo M, Zhang X*. (2014). Sexual differences in cell proliferation in the ventricular zone, cell migration and differentiation in the HVC of juvenile Bengalese finch. PLoS One (SCI), 9(5):e97403.
13.LiNa Sun, Rui Wang, ShaoJu Zeng & MingXue Zuo*. (2010). Identification of male-biased gene: Parvalbumin in song control nuclei of the Bengalese finch. Neuroscience Research (SCI), 68 (1):22-34.
14.孙丽娜*, 范煜. 简析中考体育考试的若干问题. 青少年体育, 2015, 23: 77-78.
15.孙丽娜*, 李海春, 张欣欣. 国内外青少年体质测量标准的演变与发展. 当代体育科技, 2014, 15(4): 164-166.
16.Sun Lina, Li Haichun, Zhang Xinxin, Jinshun Qi*.Low Intensity Treadmill Exercise Enhances Synaptic Plasticity and CREB Phosphorylation in the Hippocampus of Rats, 第六届亚太神经科学联合会学术会议暨中国神经科学学会第十一届全国学术会议, 2015.9
17.孙丽娜, 李海春, 张欣欣, 祁金顺*. 低强度运动对大鼠情绪及海马CA1区theta节律的影响, 中国生理学会第24届全国会员代表大会暨生理学学术大会, 2014.10
18.孙丽娜*, 李海春, 张欣欣. 反复力竭运动对大鼠学习记忆功能及海马星形胶质细胞活性的影响,中国体育科学学会运动生理与生物化学分会,中国,贵州,2014.8